Pre-Romanesque monuments. Oviedo and surroundings

Period of Alfonso II

  • Cámara Santa: Communicated with the Cathedral of San Salvador. (Oviedo): First half of the IX century. Palatine chapel whose function was to house relics. Integrated in the Cathedral of Oviedo. Reformed in the twelfth century, where some anthropomorphic shafts were added, among others, representing the twelve apostles and which is considered a masterpiece of Spanish Romanesque. The treasure of the Holy Chamber is composed of several relics and jewels, belonging to the time of the Asturian monarchy, are the Cross of the Angels (emblem of Oviedo) from the year 808, Cross of victory (symbol of the Asturian community) year 908 and Box of Agates, year 910
  • San Julián de los Prados (Oviedo): First half of the 9th century. It is located to the north of what was then Ovetao outside the city walls. It was part of a complex made up of various palatial rooms. It presents the most important mural paintings of the European High Medieval Art.
  • Church of San Tirso (Oviedo):First half of the 9th century Only the headwall is preserved and of this only the upper part, highlighting the aljimez as the ground level has risen since its construction.
  • San Pedro de Nora (Las Regueras): Council of Las Regueras and very close to Meandros de Nora (Natural Monument). Where the Roman road from Asturica to Lucus Asturum ran. First half of the 9th century. Partially destroyed in 1936. Restored from 1940 to the 70s. Similarities with San Julián de los Prados. The tower is of modern invoice.

Ramiro I period

  • Palace of Santa Mº del Naranco (Oviedo):Mid-9th century. Built as a civil building, in the 12th century it was consecrated as a temple. The transformation into a church was due to the ruin suffered by the current San Miguel de Liño, which first received the name of Santa María
  • San Miguel de Lillo (Oviedo):Mid 9th century. Church of the palace of this monarch in Naranco. A part of the building collapsed in the 11th century and there were various reconstructions. The original perimeter is marked on the ground around the building. First example of a monumental façade in a Spanish church.
Santa Maria del Naranco

Period of Alfonso III

  • Fountain of Foncalada (Oviedo): End of the 9th century. The only civil construction for public purposes from this period that is preserved in Spain. Built to house the birth of a spring.